◇ You lose at least half of yourself
◇ Grieving is pain, tears, anger, regrets, grief dreams, even heart pain (known as broken-hearted syndrome) ◇ You can love/be loved again ◇ You can have the pain of another loss again (big fear for most) ◇ You will always have the pain of your loss ◇ You will always love/miss your loss ◇ There is a mixture of pain and love together; imagine a rainstorm with a rainbow as you begin to heal, even find love again ◇ Your loss and new love will always have an overlap to a degree or more ◇ Loss pain does become more manageable with time ◇ Grief can be a mixture of all stages, even jumping from level to level, out of order ◇ The first 2 years are the hardest after a loss ◇ There is no limit in your time to grieve; as a matter of fact, once you've had a loss, there will always be grief to some degree, which leads to: ◇ We 'move forward', not 'move on' ◇ Our loss will always be a part of you/your children ◇ You have to heal first/refind yourself before finding love after loss ◇ Tears have to come in order to begin healing ◇ You will smile again
Life after loss, reforming, regrowing stages.....I like to call this "New Beginnings". Imagine a new, fresh rosebud or what's inside a cocoon. We have to refind ourselves without our loved one, continuing on with everything anew all within our old selves.
This takes time and this time varies from person to person. This stage is not easy to get to but once it is reached, it can also be a bit overwhelming with its beautiful gratitude. As we progress forward, we NEVER forget where we've come from nor our loved one lost. All of this only helps reshape us into whom we become. It is alright to smile again, laugh again, be happy again all while being scared, unsure, cautioned. If you have reached this stage, I congratulate you; if you have not, I tell you to keep pressing forward through the frontline pain and the healing process-you will get there, my friend. Keep pressing into our Father and Lord. {Psalm 30:2} |